Tambun Pomelo Orchard

They can weigh up to five kilos. You can store them for one month. And they grow inside a paper bag. Bet you didn't know how special tambun pomelos are! To see them, we have to make quite a trip. That's because our pomelos are grown in Tambun. That's somewhere in Ipoh and its mountainous region where is perfect for them. Without a doubt, Tambun is one of the best places in Malaysia to indulge Pomelos.

Specialty of Tambun Pomeloes

The flesh of the fruit can vary in sweetness, juiciness as well as colour, ranging from white, light yellow and pink hues. The fruit is sweet and tart; and sweet, but some can have a bitter aftertaste. Pomeloes produced in Tambun are especially favoured for “Tambun White” - the cream colour flesh with a sweet taste and “Tambun Pink” - pinkish colour flesh with a juicy tart sweetness. The fruit is round to pear-shaped, with white thick spongy pith that encloses the edible portion of the fruit.

Way of Peeling Pomelo

The pomelo might not be the most familiar citrus variety, but it certainly is delicious. You can simply peel it like an orange. ‘Cut off the top – watch out you don’t cut your claws, and then make a few incisions in the peel from top to bottom. Finally, take the white membranes off the sections and it’s ready to eat!'

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  • + 6016 524 3734
  • info@lyko.com.my
  • www.lyko.com.my
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